A Short Story Dispenser

You are sitting in the cafe and your mind is on overload from all the texting, page viewing, and the like that you have been doing.  You think to yourself  “wouldn’t it be nice to have something to read”? A short story that  you can enjoy with your antioxidant Coffee.  You look around but no books just newspapers.

Hello, you look to the far corner and you see an orange looking dispensing machine that says ” Select Your Story” and then gives you a list of time frames; 1 minute, 3, minute, and 5 minute. Curiosity gets the better of you and you get up to take a look.

The Short Story Dispenser brought to you by Short-Edition, a French startup, dispenses short stories determined by the time and genre selected by the customer.  The stories are written by humans and not robots which is nice.  The purpose of its inventors   is “…to adapt literature to the modern world by combining short stories, community and technology.

Currently, the only two Cafe locations with the Short Story Dispensary are in San Francisco at the Zoetrope Cafe and the other is West Palm Springs. The good news is that you don’t have to go to a cafe but just visit them online and have a quick read; and interrupt the daily overload with a short story and enjoy both the coffee and the time wherever you are.