HBO’s John Oliver Mocks Meghan McCain as ‘Most Embarrassing Child’ of a Politician

On his weekly HBO show Last Week Tonight, John Oliver took a shot at Meghan McCain, now the outspoken conservative on ABC’s The View. It came as Oliver discussed the Eurovision song contest, which included a kooky anti-capitalist sado-masochist rock band from Iceland called Hatari, who proclaimed the contest was “one step nearer to our plan to destroy capitalism.” Oliver showed a clip of one band member in bondage gear who was the son of Iceland’s ambassador to England. Then came the Meghan insult:

JOHN OLIVER: You may be thinking that’s the most embarrassing child of a prominent political figure you’ve ever seen, but let me remind you of the continued existence of Meghan McCain! 

Oh no! Oh no! I bet her husband is going to get so mad at me now! What on Earth is going to tweet and then delete?! I can’t wait to find out! 

We might suggest Ronald Prescott Reagan and Patti Davis were embarrassing to President Reagan for many years, but this is about trashing conservatives, the daily bread of “comedians.”

Marlow Stern at the Daily Beast explained that Oliver was referring to Ben Domenech, “publisher of the far-right rag The Federalist.” As opposed to NBC’s Seth Meyers who is apparently the voice of reason and respectfulness: “The HBO host was of course referring to Domenech’s unhinged (and since-deleted) Twitter tirade aimed at Late Night’s Seth Meyers, who had the gall to… very politely question McCain on his show about her dangerous and disingenuous comments concerning Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN).” [Ellipses in the original, for effect.]

Stern added “For what it’s worth, Meyers is known as one of the nicer guys in Hollywood who earned every bit of his success,” while he implied Domenech owed his career to his father…just like his wife, the McCain daughter. 

Meghan McCain was also attacked on Saturday Night Live this weekend. When Aidy Bryant impersonated her a few weeks ago proclaiming she was the “princess of Arizona,” McCain claimed it was an honor. But this time, it was all meanness. Matt Wilstein at the Daily Beast wrote an article headlined “SNL: Hysterical Meghan McCain Defends Alabama Abortion Ban on The View.

Bryant played her as a moron on abortion, as “the only daughter at this table.” This is a little more interesting since liberals adored how Bryant’s character on the Hulu series Shrill had a “very f—ing powerful” abortion on that show.

Fake Meghan said “Okay, can I talk now? Okay, I am the only daughter at this table. So I have to say, these senators are actually very good and fun guys, so I am sending love to Clyde Chambliss, Shay Shelnutt, and Garlan Gudger, and those are all real names, okay?  Now please, please, guys let me talk!”

Leslie Jones as Whoopi Goldberg said, “No one else is talking.”

“OK, you see, and I’m getting attacked,” McCain said, starting to cry. “And as the person most upset right now, I am right.” Later in the skit, when fake McCain again claims she’s not allowed to talk, the Whoopi character blows an airhorn and yells “Not today, Satan!”  

This is a lame take, since Meghan McCain doesn’t get “hysterical” when she’s attacked and she doesn’t back down, as the Seth Meyers attempt at Ilhan-Omar-shaming demonstrated. She tweeted her objection to the Daily Beast headline: