The dangers of artificial sweeteners in heated food

dangers of artificial sweeteners

A report has examined the dangers of artificial sweeteners, in particular, sucralose in heated food.

Sucralose is a common artificial sweetener used by millions today. There has been a lot of research about the dangers of artificial sweeteners and how they may negatively affect your body. It has been suggested that sucralose has some cancer-causing potential, and this might specifically occur when foods containing sucralose, such as canned vegetables and baked goods, are heated.

The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) has assessed the currently available data. It was found that when sucralose is heated to a gradual temperature of 120 degrees Celsius or higher, sucralose becomes dechlorinated.

When cooking or baking at home, sucralose reaches a temperature between 120 degrees Celsius and 150 degrees Celsius, which can lead to the formation of potentially dangerous compounds. One limitation to this study is there is not enough data or research to support this finding. This study provides a foundation for future studies to examine and learn more about sucralose dangers to the human body.

Written by Nicole A. Brown, MS

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Bundesinstitut fur Risikobewertung. (2019). Harmful compounds might be formed when foods containing the sweetener Sucralose are heated. Retrieved from

Fiack, S. (2019). Harmful compounds might be formed when foods containing the sweetener sucralose are heated. BFR Federal Institute for Risk Assessment. Retrieved from

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