Samantha Bee Likens ‘Lying Ghoul’ Kirstjen Nielsen to Sex Predators

On her Full Frontal show on TBS, liberal comedian Samantha Bee began her Wednesday show by trashing former DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, calling her a “lying ghoul,” and “one of America’s greatest monsters,” and hinting that she is the Wicked Witch of the West.

Bee also displayed Nielsen’s image next to those of sexual predators Harvey Weinstein and Matt Lauer, and suggested she should never be allowed to work again.

The liberal host began: “This weekend, Kirstjen Nielsen stepped down as Homeland Security Secretary, presumably to spend more time with her family after a house fell on her sister.”

Visible on screen was an image from The Wizard of Oz which showed the feet of the Wicked Witch of the East sticking out from underneath Dorothy’s house.

Even though Obama administration policy also separated some illegal immigrant families, Bee fumed over family separations as she continued: “Kirstjen is a lying ghoul who enforced policies that tore families apart and impacted thousands of lives. She deserves to be shunned as hard as disgraced movie moguls and morning show hosts.”

Then an image of Nielsen was shown on screen in between pictures of Weinstein and Lauer. Nielsen added: “Nothing good will come from her tenure at the Department of Homeland Security except perhaps Sarah Paulson’s Emmy Award-winning portrayal of Nielsen on American Crime Story 2024.”

Bee then fretted that the reason President Donald Trump fired her was because she “wasn’t awful enough.”

A bit later, after noting reports that Nielsen is concerned about how she will be viewed because of her role in the handling of illegal immigration, the liberal host mockingly predicted that no one will confront Nielsen in public places because “you look like exactly every other white woman on the planet,” while showing on screen images of a number of other blonde white women who are public figures, including Bee herself.

Bee then declared that President Trump was unhappy with Nielsen’s job performance because “she cares about petty details like ‘Is this illegal?’ and ‘Will it accomplish anything?’ and ‘Will I be remembered as one of America’s greatest monsters?‘” The liberal host added that Trump “wants maximum cruelty and he wants it now.”

She went on to deride White House advisor Stephen Miller as “Secretary of Gargoyles” as she recounted that he was reportedly responsible for Nielsen’s firing.

Bee concluded the segment by begging: “Whatever you do, do not give Kirstjen Nielsen another f—ing job,” before joking about all blonde women, including herself, looking alike.